C-Thru Smoke Diving Helmet helps firefighters to see clearly in smoke-filled buildings to do rescue missions. Using their traditional firefighting equipment, they have to keep hand contact with walls or crawl on the ground while carrying heavy air support and hand held equipment, this can slow down the rescue process.

This helmet provides a wire frame vision of the interior geometry, in this way, firefighters can identify their surroundings easily and searching for victims can be done more accurately. C-Thru Smoke Diving Helmetsimplifies many layers of heat and impact protection into a simpler protection package to ease the movements.

The main goal of this project was to develop an accurate way for C-Thru Smoke Diving Helmet user to see and move around in heavy smoke environment without the need of carrying extra equipments. This product has to be able to simplify many layered heat protection into one single unit as well as providescommunication equipment among other rescuers. It would be easier for firefighters to wear C-Thru on their way to the fire scene. Just in case you didn’t realize, firefighters have to get dressed within 90 seconds otherwise they are left behind. So, these heroes are often wear many inaccurate and uncomfortable equipments in order to rush to rescue you. It can be very challenging to put protective inner hood, full face gas mask, heat insulated helmet, outer hood, thermal imaging device and audio communication device in only 90 seconds.

C-Thru Smoke Diving Helmet could be the future vision of fire fighting equipment. Instead of using hand written map and verbal information, fire fighters can use this helmet to navigate in and out the building. They don’t have to crawl on the ground or keep hands on the wall to find victims, simply walk or run towards the victims.
